Гіпнотерапія для схуднення
Вам важко схуднути?
Now we all know that nutrition and exercise plays a major role in affecting or controlling your weight loss. But, have you ever thought that the power of the mind can be used, or ever thought that your spirit controls your mind and body?
By utilizing your mind-power skills your weight loss journey can be quicker, easier and with less stress. The insights, growth, and self empowerment that you will learn with hypnosis is key in keeping the weight off for longer periods of time. I am excited to work with clients who would like to learn how this can be applied. Through healing your spirit, your body and mind will also heal. If you’ve tried other therapies, find that there is a persistent stumbling block and need a fresh approach with easily implementable goals and self empowerment, please reach out.

Гіпнотерапія для схуднення може допомогти вам жити здоровішим життям

Отримайте безкоштовний сеанс і почніть контролювати своє життя вже сьогодні!
Я працював із сотнями клієнтів, щоб вирішити причини депресії, залежності, тривоги та багатьох інших проблем. Зв’яжіться зі мною сьогодні для конфіденційної безкоштовної консультації.

Питання що часто задаються
Hypnotherapists use positive imagery to combat depression and reprogram the mind during hypnotherapy sessions. The process involves replacing negative imagines with positive images that will relax you or release stress.
Hypnosis is safe and effective way to treat depression without medication or surgery.
Hypnosis for depression can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It works by helping you gain greater insight into your thoughts and feelings about yourself and others, which helps break negative thought patterns that may have been holding back your recovery process. This allows you to develop healthier ways of thinking about yourself and the world around you, which ultimately leads to improved moods and behaviours over time. You’ll find it easier to focus on what matters most in life again!