5 речей, які я хотів, щоб мені сказав мій травматолог


As a hypnotherapist that has helped and guided clients successfully through their trauma healing journeys, I’m quite surprised by how limited the information that clients have. Typically, I see clients after they’ve been to a psychiatrist, then many years of psychotherapy, psychological visits and finally, when they’re willing to give up, they try a hypnotherapist. Surprisingly they find that within several sessions their trauma is removed and they can now get on with their lives. The sessions are light, easy, tears of joy may erupt and they’re totally surprised how trauma healing can be so quick and painless. So, I decided to present a list of 5 things that my clients have shared with me that they wished their trauma therapists would have shared with them.

  1. Ми не знаємо, що лікує травму. Психіатри дають вам багато ліків, щоб полегшити симптоми безсоння, тривоги, обсесивно-компульсивної поведінки, і список можна продовжувати. Вони не знають, яка саме таблетка вам допоможе. Вони дивляться на вашу поведінку і намагаються полегшити її новим препаратом, не розуміючи, де знаходиться травма і як її витягнути з людини? Психологи вважають, що травма може бути в тілі, або, можливо, у розумі, чи пам’яті, чи емоціях, що зрештою означає, що якщо ви не знаєте, де вона розташована, як її усунути. Тобі варто танцювати? Чи варто говорити в групах? Розробляються нові методи лікування з обмеженими результатами. Вони ніколи не думають про дух.
  1. You better be prepared for years of therapy. Typically the clients that I see who have been to psychologists, or psychiatrists have spent many years in therapy. I had a woman with over 30 years of therapy and a full year of EMDR (eye movement and desensitization and receptivity-a common psychological treatment modality) treatments, who after 3 hypnosis sessions found that her trauma was released and didn’t need me anymore. If you’re dealing with disease, be prepared for weekly visits, new medications, new modalities, and yet the same results.
  1. Ми не знаємо, де знаходиться травма! Деякі терапевти вважають, що це в тілі, інші вважають, що це в розумі чи пам’яті, треті, хто вірить у терапію Фогеля, вважають, що це в несвідомому. Підхід терапевтичного співтовариства схожий на гру «вдарити крота», не знаючи, де він знаходиться, а потім намагатися вдарити його молотком, коли він з’являється. Спільною ниткою всіх цих методів лікування є те, що вони зосереджені на тілі та розумі, але повністю забувають про дух. Найдивовижніше, що я вважаю, це те, що слово психологія походить від work psycho і logos, що означає вивчення або знання духу, однак психологи ніколи не вважають дух корисним для терапії. 
  1. We will need you to relive your trauma  in order to heal from it. When I first started working with trauma, I too believed that I needed to hear about it. However, I found that being an empath and listening to these stories affected me. I felt worn out, even slightly traumatized from listening to these experiences. I started to investigate the fact that  trauma therapists were now needing healing. This continued for me until I started to expand my knowledge about trauma by investigating and learning about  energy work and the ethereal. Could trauma be located in the spirit and if so, could we remove it without re-traumatization? I found that I had solved my search. Currently, most trauma therapies, and specifically EMDR continue going into the trauma event with the belief that you need to relive it, in order to heal from it. After discovering how to heal trauma in the spiritual realm, we no longer relive trauma. Honestly, who wants to relive their rape, sexual molestation or assault. There is no need to do this and I’ve found that you need to search for a therapist that will not force you to relive your trauma. My trauma sessions are easy, and light with no dissociation or retraumatization. 
  1. You will be dissociating after your therapy, however, we don’t have time for you to process that. Typically, after an EMDR session many clients  need time to process their session. It’s very common for EMDR clients to use alcohol or drugs to process their trauma sessions. They start to use these substances to heal from reliving their trauma. Although they may be told about dissociation, they don’t understand the levels of retraumatization that will affect them and go on this roller coaster journey of emotions. The psychologist only sees them for an hour, while their healing journey to normalcy after a session may take several days. 

Healing trauma by healing the spirit is the safest, quickest way that I have found to help you if you’re struggling with therapies. Please reach out if you’d like to learn more. tmachula66@Gmail.com

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