Hypnotherapy for Addiction

Are you currently struggling with addiction?

Addiction can come in many forms. Overindulgence with illegal substances, alcohol, gambling, and many others, are all considered forms of addiction. If this is something that you presently struggle with, know that I have a no-judgement sensitivity and understanding of your journey.

In my years of providing Hypnotherapy for Addiction therapy, I noticed a distinct recurring pattern that reveals itself in a large majority of clients. I’ve put this knowledge and experience into a new addiction program that can release your addictive behaviours, replace it with love, understanding, patience and compassion. Please reach out to find out how.

Hypnotherapy For Addiction
hypnotherapy for addiction

Help yourself with Hypnotherapy for Addiction

Many addiction therapy clients have been on and have fallen off the wagon so many times, leaving them with a long trail of the “recovery/relapse” cycle. While 9 out of 10 of addiction therapy clients have sought help from many different traditional treatment centers in the past, little do they know that the root of all causes for their continual relapses have remained untouched and unhealed! In order to truly overcome the hump of addiction, you first have to heal the trauma that holds you to it. Trauma healing is so key; a majority of my clients who suffered from addiction turned out to have various forms of trauma which were affecting their life and needed to be released. As we continue to work together in helping you completely overcome your addiction, we will then proceed to identifying and addressing the roots of anxiety and depression. These two polar opposite areas are vital in healing, in order to better understand and manage your inner self.

Hypnotherapy for Addiction without medication, cold sweats, or cravings

Our next transition from here would then take us into the path of learning forgiveness and self love; this step is specific to being able to expand, understand, and heal your heart. What we’ll follow this up with is teaching you how to connect to your Higher Power. Having a combative relationship with one’s own Higher Power is surprisingly very common (even I was there at some point!)

Fact is that there are so many treatment center programs, yet none of them teach us how to connect to our Higher Power. In this program, you will feel empowered as you learn how to connect to this; This is the key to the lock that has been standing in your way towards having access to greater wisdom and truthful knowledge which are the pathways towards your better self.

We shall conclude our therapy by bringing everything together with Meditation and Self-Hypnosis, all the while empowering you with these vital skills. Growing through this program of Hypnosis for Addiction, you will have the necessary skills to always serve as your guide and support in continuing along the path of living a more purposeful life.

Hypnotherapy For Addiction

Claim your free complimentary session and start taking control of your life today!

I've worked with hundreds of clients in resolving the roots of depression, addiction, anxiety, and a whole lot of other challenges. Get in touch with me today for your confidential free consultation.

Based on 3 reviews
Sergei Chernenko
Sergei Chernenko
Frank D'Silva
Frank D’Silva
Taras, is very knowledgeable, caring and very eager to reach out and help. He will go all out to help and guide you. His vast knowledge of different hypnosis techniques is very beneficial. I would highly recommend him.
Infinite Healing Hypnosis
Infinite Healing Hypnosis
Taras Machula has taught me invaluable techniques via hypnosis that have changed my life on a personal level in such a loving, gentle, beautiful way, as I work through my trauma. His work is heart centered, and teaches that working with ones Higher Self, with the Divine, that all physical, emotional, spiritual healing is realistic and successful. Through his Divine teachings, and unique hypnosis techniques, I have also made drastic changes on a professional level with much success. My hypnosis clients are healing, recreating the life they truly want to live, and their relationship to Self and others are greatly enhanced and fruitful. I highly recommend all Taras offers in way of healing hypnosis coursework (The Temple of Divinity for Heart Healing) and/or hypnosis sessions for healing. Life changing!????????

Frequently Asked Questions

Hypnotherapists use positive imagery to combat depression and reprogram the mind during hypnotherapy sessions. The process involves replacing negative imagines with positive images that will relax you or release stress.

Hypnosis is safe and effective way to treat depression without medication or surgery. 

Hypnosis for depression can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It works by helping you gain greater insight into your thoughts and feelings about yourself and others, which helps break negative thought patterns that may have been holding back your recovery process. This allows you to develop healthier ways of thinking about yourself and the world around you, which ultimately leads to improved moods and behaviours over time. You’ll find it easier to focus on what matters most in life again!