Divine Healing

I found a new way to approach energy healing. Instead of focusing on attunements, I focus on my client and what they specifically need. We are simply the witness to our client’s greatness. My role is not to apply attunements that I’ve received, but to work with the Higher Self of the client and provide the energy for their evolution and growth.

Become a Divine Healing Master

Energy workers have started creating and expanding attunements. Why are we buying into this idea of learning new attunements? Now imagine attunements as frequencies or radio stations. Why would you want to learn each frequency? Why not control the whole radio and permit the Divine to set the station? That is exactly what I do. The energy that I’m using is strictly applicable to the situation that my client is showing. I’m the energy conduit permitting Divine energy to flow. If you’d love to feel this Divine Energy Healing, or learn how to become a Master in this area. Please reach out. During your Divine energy session you might be in a deep state of hypnosis. This is amazing because you will be describing, feeling and sharing your experience. This is the greatest growth that you can experience as a client, because you will have a recording of your session or possibly a memory of what transpired. Reach out to learn more, all energy is accessible, all attunements are there for your use and application.

Book a free strategy session and grow your practice today!

Based on 3 reviews
Sergei Chernenko
Sergei Chernenko
Frank D'Silva
Frank D’Silva
Taras, is very knowledgeable, caring and very eager to reach out and help. He will go all out to help and guide you. His vast knowledge of different hypnosis techniques is very beneficial. I would highly recommend him.
Infinite Healing Hypnosis
Infinite Healing Hypnosis
Taras Machula has taught me invaluable techniques via hypnosis that have changed my life on a personal level in such a loving, gentle, beautiful way, as I work through my trauma. His work is heart centered, and teaches that working with ones Higher Self, with the Divine, that all physical, emotional, spiritual healing is realistic and successful. Through his Divine teachings, and unique hypnosis techniques, I have also made drastic changes on a professional level with much success. My hypnosis clients are healing, recreating the life they truly want to live, and their relationship to Self and others are greatly enhanced and fruitful. I highly recommend all Taras offers in way of healing hypnosis coursework (The Temple of Divinity for Heart Healing) and/or hypnosis sessions for healing. Life changing!????????