Hypnotherapy Services That You can Trust

Resolve emotional issues and improve your mental, physical health and sense of well-being, all in a supportive and safe space.

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Taras Machula, M.A., CH.T.
Expert Hypnotist

Why reach out to a hypnotherapist?

I work with the largest part of your mind. Over 95% of your mind is the subconscious. This is the place where all healing happens. I am very results oriented, while sticking to a client focused therapy model where we work together to achieve your goals. Typically, in most sessions, I’m the witness to your greatness, to your own divine nature.

Hypnotherapy services are effective, introspective and very positive, with a heaping dose of unconditional love and non-judgement.

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Areas Of Expertise

Expert in traditional hypnotherapy techniques and modalities as well as spiritual regression.

You are not defined by your condition, I  work with you to find your greatness and heal yourself.

  • Depression

  • Trauma

  • Addiction

  • Weight Loss

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“I’m so thankful and grateful Taras for you to have said yes in bringing the Temple of Divinity to humanity. I’m so happy that I listened to the push within me to take the course. I had such a beautiful experience when I went to the Temple of Divinity. There’s so much that I experienced that I’m at a loss for words to try and express what I felt, seen and channeled.”
― Marie Lachance ―
Just over a week ago I had the utmost privilege to visit the Temple of Divinity with Taras. I can’t begin to explain in words how mind blowing my experience was. When I think about the session and also the days after, I notice so much physical and energetic change. Taras is so skilled at getting me to a deep place of relaxation and then somehow leading me to this amazing sacred healing space in the realm of the Divine.
Along the way I met my spirit animal, guides and then many angels in the temple who radiate love and light, and hold skill to heal and take away deep energetic wounds.
At their university hospital an angel worked on my hip and they removed a held entity, with the help of Taras. It is such incredible work and done with such ease. The entire time I felt supported and safe with no sense of conflict or concern. The way the angels work is so tender, loving and with utmost care. I am blown away to have experienced what I did and it brings me joy to be thinking about visiting the Temple again soon. Thank you Taras!”
― Hattie Williams ―
I was blessed to guide a client through her Temple of Divinity experience yesterday. Her first stop was meeting her everyday guide, who then brought her to the Temple. From there she was brought to the Hall of Angels for some deep energy healing and a conversation with Mary Magdalene. Next the Temple guide Amelia brought her to The Hall of Records where she was shown a past life where she learned compassion. And when she asked about her life purpose, they informed her that she’s to bring compassion into this world now. The client then went to The Hall of Interconnectivity where she was shown how she’s connected to the universe, and her loved ones. Next stop was The Hall of Thrones where she was shown her personal throne is a rose quartz crystal igloo. The guides used landscapes to download higher knowledge and wisdom into her awareness. It’s such a blessing to be able to witness and guide clients through such life affirming and healing experiences. Thank you.
― Grace Jones ―

How Hypnotherapy Services Work?

Hypnotherapy works because it  accesses the deepest  and largest part of your mind, the subconscious. The place where all the feelings, emotions, trauma is stored. 

A Stanford University  brain study has proven that your conscious mind is less than 1% of your mind. Heal the soul, and the body and mind will follow. This is the most powerful type of healing with the least amount of sessions.

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I’ve worked with hundreds of clients in resolving the roots of depression, addiction, anxiety, and a whole lot of other challenges. Get in touch with me today for your confidential no obligation 30 minute strategy session.

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Caryn Bird



My session with Taras was meaningful in so many ways. I experienced physical, emotional, and spiritual guidance, while I explored the Temple of Divinity. I received answers clearly and directly from divine sources, and will honor the things I learned. There are so many lessons and insights awaiting in his sessions. I recommend this service for anyone seeking wellness and clarity!


Laylee Jerman

Taras has such a gentle and personal way of connecting during therapy, while at the same time taking the client into the wider ethereal realms. His specialty of taking the client to the Temple of Divinity, is life changing, and renders the person to healings and new understandings of life, and its meanings.


Frank D’Silva

Taras, is very knowledgeable, caring and very eager to reach out and help. He will go all out to help and guide you. His vast knowledge of different hypnosis techniques is very beneficial. I would highly recommend him.


Quessie Wauford

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